How’s Your Heart?
By Roger McGee
Since 1981, I have been referred to as "the worship leader." But that doesn't mean I was really worshiping on every one of those 52 Sundays for the past 42 years or even prepared for the spiritual moments of Sunday worship. Sure, I had put together some good music for the service but personal preparation for worship? That's another matter altogether. These days I'm reminded that worship isn't about me; it's about God. On a Sunday, all the service elements we include should point directly to God and never to ourselves. Worship is a lifestyle, a daily walk with the King, and our corporate (large gatherings) are the celebration times for an audience of One, the Lord God Himself. Here at First Baptist Alexandria, we desire to be disciples that make disciples. In Matthew 28:17, have you ever noted what the disciples did before they were given the "Great Commission" to go? They worshiped Jesus! Worship should be a regular highpoint in our Christian lives. Preparation for such an important moment is vital.
Since 1981, I have been referred to as "the worship leader." But that doesn't mean I was really worshiping on every one of those 52 Sundays for the past 42 years or even prepared for the spiritual moments of Sunday worship. Sure, I had put together some good music for the service but personal preparation for worship? That's another matter altogether. These days I'm reminded that worship isn't about me; it's about God. On a Sunday, all the service elements we include should point directly to God and never to ourselves. Worship is a lifestyle, a daily walk with the King, and our corporate (large gatherings) are the celebration times for an audience of One, the Lord God Himself. Here at First Baptist Alexandria, we desire to be disciples that make disciples. In Matthew 28:17, have you ever noted what the disciples did before they were given the "Great Commission" to go? They worshiped Jesus! Worship should be a regular highpoint in our Christian lives. Preparation for such an important moment is vital.
"Lord, who may dwell in our sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the Lord, who keeps his oath even when it hurts, who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent, he who does these things will not be shaken."
– Psalm 15
– Psalm 15
How do you measure up to the Worship Preparation standards in Psalm 15? Try these out before next Sunday. God will work wonders in our hearts!
Who gets to live in God's holy hill? Above, verses 1-2 mention several things about our character and our heart. I have a friend who often asks, "how is your heart, Roger?" It's a check-up on integrity! A person struggling with integrity is constantly working to hide parts of their life from God and from others. Being honest with God and others is the path to wholeness. The Bible says in John 8 "if the Son makes you free, you are free indeed." Honesty is agreeing with what God already knows about you and is the first step to preparing for His presence in worship. Hiding in secret allows Satan to use that to keep you from being a worshiper in spirit and truth! Do you want to be free in your worship? Be free from the chains of sin in Jesus!
- I am a person of integrity and am honest with God and other people about who I am.
Who gets to live in God's holy hill? Above, verses 1-2 mention several things about our character and our heart. I have a friend who often asks, "how is your heart, Roger?" It's a check-up on integrity! A person struggling with integrity is constantly working to hide parts of their life from God and from others. Being honest with God and others is the path to wholeness. The Bible says in John 8 "if the Son makes you free, you are free indeed." Honesty is agreeing with what God already knows about you and is the first step to preparing for His presence in worship. Hiding in secret allows Satan to use that to keep you from being a worshiper in spirit and truth! Do you want to be free in your worship? Be free from the chains of sin in Jesus!
2. I care for people even though they are not like me.
Verse 3 reminds us that God desires healthy relationships with our friends, neighbors, and those we contact. Are you constantly experiencing relational drama with others in life? How we view others directly reflects where we are with God the Almighty. God challenges us in his Word because our relationships are a reflection of who He is to the world. We must love others and not be judgmental. To do anything less has a negative influence on your worship.
Verse 3 reminds us that God desires healthy relationships with our friends, neighbors, and those we contact. Are you constantly experiencing relational drama with others in life? How we view others directly reflects where we are with God the Almighty. God challenges us in his Word because our relationships are a reflection of who He is to the world. We must love others and not be judgmental. To do anything less has a negative influence on your worship.
3. I honor God and my co-worshipers.
The fear and awe of God is important! We can't be "buddies" with God. It must be God first, God second, God third in our priority list of life. When you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, it will be easy to honor those who honor Him. You will be obeying verse 4's mandate.
The fear and awe of God is important! We can't be "buddies" with God. It must be God first, God second, God third in our priority list of life. When you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, it will be easy to honor those who honor Him. You will be obeying verse 4's mandate.
4. I keep my promises and commitments.
In verses 4 and 5, we recognize how important it is to keep promises. It is a measure of wholeness that comes from God's power in us. I do what I say because what I say is a reflection of my heart for God. Do your emotions or circumstances dictate your willingness to regularly worship Him privately or corporately? Consistent worship builds consistent believers.
In verses 4 and 5, we recognize how important it is to keep promises. It is a measure of wholeness that comes from God's power in us. I do what I say because what I say is a reflection of my heart for God. Do your emotions or circumstances dictate your willingness to regularly worship Him privately or corporately? Consistent worship builds consistent believers.
5. I am a steward and manage time, money, and assets as sacred gifts from God.
We are all managers of God's resources, and we manage these with integrity. God loves a cheerful giver. Selfishness and greed greatly hinder a heart of worship. Don't rob God!
We are all managers of God's resources, and we manage these with integrity. God loves a cheerful giver. Selfishness and greed greatly hinder a heart of worship. Don't rob God!
So how is your heart? Is it ready for worship? Your journey of worship this week with the Lord can start right this second. Be prepared when you come to the point of large group worship this week at church. Read His Word, spend time alone with Him in prayer, get before Him now and on bended knee.
Psalm 119:15 says, "I will meditate on Your precepts and think about your ways."
It's never too late to get started. I'm looking forward to joining you in worship this week!
Roger McGee
Psalm 119:15 says, "I will meditate on Your precepts and think about your ways."
It's never too late to get started. I'm looking forward to joining you in worship this week!
Roger McGee
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