First Family,
This Sunday from the teaching of Nehemiah we talked about the concept of a “Holy Burden.” A holy burden is something/someone that God brings to your attention as an invitation to participate in the work that He is about to do. In Nehemiah’s case, this was the rebuilding of the walls of the city of Jerusalem. God had given Nehemiah a “Holy Burden” for the city and because of his response, he is allowed to be a part of something significant.
I wonder what “Holy Burdens” God has given to our congregation. Perhaps it is a family that once attended FBC but has not been seen in a while. Or perhaps you are burdened by a particular situation or need in our community.
I would like to propose that we as a church we would be honored to help you step into this invitation from God. God said to us in His word in Ephesians 4:11-13, “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds, and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”
As a church, our role is to support and equip you for the work of ministry. There are several ways we can achieve this. One way is by joining you in your commitment to prayer as you discern the opportunities God is presenting to you. Another way is through networking. For instance, if you are burdened by a particular cause, say, food scarcity, we want to let you know that we have ministry partners who help families struggling with food scarcity. We can connect you with these partners and help you act upon what God has burdened your heart with. There are many different areas of impact that we have as a congregation.
Would you be willing to share your “holy burden” with us so that we can partner together in following what God has placed upon our hearts and minds? For I am certain that God is doing great things, and we are being given an invitation to participate. Let’s join together and step into God’s redemptive work.
Servant for His Glory,
Pastor Robert
This Sunday from the teaching of Nehemiah we talked about the concept of a “Holy Burden.” A holy burden is something/someone that God brings to your attention as an invitation to participate in the work that He is about to do. In Nehemiah’s case, this was the rebuilding of the walls of the city of Jerusalem. God had given Nehemiah a “Holy Burden” for the city and because of his response, he is allowed to be a part of something significant.
I wonder what “Holy Burdens” God has given to our congregation. Perhaps it is a family that once attended FBC but has not been seen in a while. Or perhaps you are burdened by a particular situation or need in our community.
I would like to propose that we as a church we would be honored to help you step into this invitation from God. God said to us in His word in Ephesians 4:11-13, “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds, and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”
As a church, our role is to support and equip you for the work of ministry. There are several ways we can achieve this. One way is by joining you in your commitment to prayer as you discern the opportunities God is presenting to you. Another way is through networking. For instance, if you are burdened by a particular cause, say, food scarcity, we want to let you know that we have ministry partners who help families struggling with food scarcity. We can connect you with these partners and help you act upon what God has burdened your heart with. There are many different areas of impact that we have as a congregation.
Would you be willing to share your “holy burden” with us so that we can partner together in following what God has placed upon our hearts and minds? For I am certain that God is doing great things, and we are being given an invitation to participate. Let’s join together and step into God’s redemptive work.
Servant for His Glory,
Pastor Robert
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