First Family,
Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time for every matter under heaven.
A time to be born, and a time to die.
A time to plant, and a time to uproot.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh.
A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
Some of these experiences we welcome, such as laughing and dancing. While others we hope to never encounter, such as mourning. But this text reminds us that neither will last forever. If we are mourning, we should take heart because joy comes in the morning. If we are laughing, we should be grateful for the joy of that moment. Both mourning and joy are a natural part of our lives.
In this life, we will have both seasons. Life and death are not respecters of each other. Mourning and dancing—they don’t always take turns. While some people celebrate weddings and first steps and the sweetness of life, the broken world continues to break our hearts, sometimes simultaneously. The tension is there, struggling to decide when to celebrate and cry. Often the best thing we can do is acknowledge that tension and do both, seeking the Lord as we navigate the complexities of this world.
We must never stop mourning brokenness. It is suitable to mourn. And we must never cease to celebrate life and beauty. It is suitable to dance. Because of Christ, life comes from death. Because of Christ, we will dance again. We grieve but not as people without hope. We are grateful to God for the many years of faithful ministry Roger McGee had among us as our Worship Pastor.
Servant for His Glory
Pastor Robert
Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time for every matter under heaven.
A time to be born, and a time to die.
A time to plant, and a time to uproot.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh.
A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
Some of these experiences we welcome, such as laughing and dancing. While others we hope to never encounter, such as mourning. But this text reminds us that neither will last forever. If we are mourning, we should take heart because joy comes in the morning. If we are laughing, we should be grateful for the joy of that moment. Both mourning and joy are a natural part of our lives.
In this life, we will have both seasons. Life and death are not respecters of each other. Mourning and dancing—they don’t always take turns. While some people celebrate weddings and first steps and the sweetness of life, the broken world continues to break our hearts, sometimes simultaneously. The tension is there, struggling to decide when to celebrate and cry. Often the best thing we can do is acknowledge that tension and do both, seeking the Lord as we navigate the complexities of this world.
We must never stop mourning brokenness. It is suitable to mourn. And we must never cease to celebrate life and beauty. It is suitable to dance. Because of Christ, life comes from death. Because of Christ, we will dance again. We grieve but not as people without hope. We are grateful to God for the many years of faithful ministry Roger McGee had among us as our Worship Pastor.
Servant for His Glory
Pastor Robert
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